Missouri governor needs to stop hurting the tornado damaged homeowners by taking advice from the insurance companies lobbyists telling him to lower the fee percentage of public adjusters in his state from 10% to 5%. At 10% the public adjusters can make sure that the homeowner gets everything they need and cover their fee, but at 5% there is no room to make a living. This means that hundreds of caring public adjusters in other states will say I have to feed my family first and not come to help the homeowner in the state of Missouri.
I like to educate the governor a little; you see GOV the homeowner must by the policy you approved prove to the insurance company why they must pay the proper amount. You see it’s not the job of the insurance company’s adjusters to help make sure that the homeowner to be properly be paid. You just put a road block in front of their homes so why governor who is paying you to run your next campaign. GOV I am no liberal I believe in a hand up not a hand out. That’s why our association put 116 million dollars back into the homeowners pockets last year what they deserved nothing more nothing less. By the way GOV I haven’t said your name because I think you need to rethink this 5%.
Homeowners in Missouri I do have a book that will help a little it’s called Getting Your House In Order you can buy it on line. Our Association is Property Adjustment National Association we help train new people to become public adjusters and if you care about people and want and feel this is a field you would like to check out go to www.adjustingschool.com .