Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Building Your Mega Speaking Empire

October 20 - 22, 2006
Anahiem, CA

The Complete Mentor was present at Mark Victor Hansen's "Building Your Mega Speaking Empire" conference held in Anahiem, CA October 20 though 22, 2006. It was a sell-out crowd of the elite in the speaking and publishing business.

Mark Victor Hansen and Doug Wead
For those who are not familiar with the name "Mark Victor Hansen," he is co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series. Being involved with such a powerhouse is nothing short of a miracle.

During that seminar, The Complete Mentor learned first hand how to take a product Doug Wead and Mark Victor Hansen such as "Getting Your House In Order" and making it a household name. We are particularly excited about such a prospect because it greatly benefits our affiliates. You see, as more people learn of this great product and the rest of our offerings, our affiliates will have a much easier time of selling them and will make more money.

People like to be familiar with products before they buy them and seminars such as these help us to make the products and services well-known. We were there with our partner and good Mark Houser (The Complete Mentor) and Doug Weadfriend Doug Wead as he was one of the speakers and promoter of products. Many in the audience learned of our offerings because of his dynamic nature and powerful presentation. Doug personally knows Mark and provided a personal introduction.

We learned how to recruit new customers like a magnetic to metal. Imagine if customers came to your door, asking for your products and services and simply handing you the money. How much selling is that? We will be passing along the tips that we learned.

We learned how to make more money in an hour than you currently make in a month. Picture yourself having to work only 1 hour per month to equal your current income! How many hours do you have to work per month to meet your bills, put some money in the bank for a rainy day and still have fun doing it? It won't take us many hours per month, that's for sure.

As The Complete Mentor, our job is not only to provide excellent products and services that make you money, but to provide you with the necessary knowledge and training to put you over the top. We attend these seminars to learn and bring back the nuggets and pass them along to our partners.
Mark Victor Hansen and Mark Houser (The Complete Mentor)
As we met with Mark Victor Hansen, he was excited about the offering that we are building and wants to personally help us launch it to the level of recognition where our products and services become a household name. He particularly liked our compensation plan because of his desire to help others reach their level of financial success.

Get involved now and watch your profits grow as we move these products and services to the public. Simply sign-up; it's free!

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